Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Earth's Rotation

How amazing is it that scientists can calculate the effect that an 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile can have on the rotation of our planet! The ability of human beings to do these amazing things stands in stark contrast with the abysmal lack of human compassion that some people exhibit toward others. What internal mechanism is at work within those who do not display any apparent concern for their brothers and sisters? I am not puzzled by the motivations that drive political agendas that literally obliterate any concern for the society-wide problems that afflict our middle-class and poor populations. The most dramatic example of this has been Senator Jim Bunning’s refusal to allow desperately needed extensions to pass to continue a variety of programs for hundreds of thousands of Americans. This harsh attitude is not unusual in our society. Any number of casual encounters will reveal the innate hostility that some people harbor toward those who suffer. A few years ago, a woman told me with a straight face that people who are out of work should not receive any type of assistance; that they should find something or starve, along with their children. This type of sentiment is at the core of the “tea-bagger” movement. Look that one up in the Urban Dictionary (#4, #5) and you’ll realize why these freaks re-identified themselves as the “Tea Party”. Even they realized it was a misnomer, for some of them. All this deep hatred and scape-goating is reminiscent of the lynching of people of color throughout our nation’s history and the eventual genocide of the Jews and others during the Holocaust. All we need is a severe depression to transform these “nut-cases” into the ruling monsters like those of other horrific eras. Americans who desire the unvarnished truth have to stop accessing the corporate media for their daily news. We have to become truth-seekers to identify what is actually transpiring in this ideologically-sick corporatocracy.

Monday, March 1, 2010

We're Doing Just Fine

The United Corporatocracy of America is thriving; getting stronger every day. Our media mythmakers have been touting patriotism during the Winter Olympics and covering our successful smokeout of some terrorists in Afghanistan. Our magical money managers are thriving; doing the same derivative swapping that brought us to "THE BRINK" (Yikes!) of financial disaster only months ago. Our actual unemployment rate is at least double the reported rate. What most people still don't get is that the Pie-In-The-Sky Recovery that will come some day will not get those jobs back. Read "Take This Job and Ship It" by Senator Byron Dorgan for the ugly details. The corporate lackies in Congress are playing out a well-planned strategy of obfuscate-delay-exaggerate-delay in opposition to any health insurance reform. They say the same things over and over again with new wording for each new script-of-the-week. It's a low-risk tactic because the majority of Americans are incessantly spoon-fed this crap by the media wing of the Corporatocracy. Now the big hissy-fit is over the Reconciliation process that could put a health insurance reform law into effect. Many Senate Democrats are terrified by the prospect of an up-or-down vote because they would have to reveal their real position on the health insurance industry, which closely resembles that of Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. The great malleable mass that sucks on the major media teat will continue to alternately quake with fear and indulge in soothing distractions while the oligarchy of the elite tightens its hold. Please remove your caps! I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Corporatacracy of America and to the elite class for which it stands! And the rockets' red glare; the bombs bursting in air......" (Oh, I forgot the religious freaks!) God bless America, land that I love!