Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Health Insurance

Mike Malloy, on his website of 6/29/09, referred to a column by Paul Krugman in the New York Times on the same date (Title: Insurance Company Schemes). Krugman discusses the Health Insurance Industry's nefarious policies that are being formally brought to light in recent congressional committee hearings. Most of these practices have been exposed over the last few years, most notably by Michael Moore in his movie "Sicko", and in many articles and documentaries. The media coverage of these revelations has been tepid, unless, of course, they are carrying water for the Health Insurance Propaganda Machine to discredit the crazy left-wingnuts who would dare to criticize the best health-care system in the world. Most Americans have wised-up to this, as current polls indicate that a majority of our citizens support a single-payor option in new health-care reform legislation. With so many members of congress on the take from the health insurance lobbyists, there are valid grounds for concern that a substantial package will eventually become law. How many more years do Americans want to be subjected to the criminal behaviour of the corporate health-care cabal? We'll see. --- undertoad57

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