Sunday, June 28, 2009


Members of the faux-religious right will be spewing prodigious volumes of invective and bile today as they kneel before their false gods that reside on Mount Oopsalumpa. Their god of Self-righteousness is sitting on the throne in a weak imitation of Zeus. They prostrate themselves in the slime and slither around in their hate and fear. Pridefest is being celebrated in many cities this weekend, with Gay Pride parades today. My wife and I will march, carrying a banner for our friend who is a state representative. Many Americans who recognize that we all share Constitutional rights will take part to demonstrate our respect for the rights of all persons under the law. Basic rights always exist, whether some misguided people imagine that they can be either granted or taken away. Our society has more important issues to address than that of ostracizing various groups to encourage solidarity for their flimsy, hypocritical beliefs.

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